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4th Class, Possessive adjectives, possessive ´s

1- Look at the image and review the possessive adjectives.

imagen tomada de:

2- Look at the video, repeat the pronunciation and develop the exercise.

video tomado de:


3- Complete the sentences, then, say them to the class.

a- I’m Marcus and this is ________ garden.

b- My mother’s Susan and this is ________hat.

c- They are Robert and Adam and this is ________bedroom.

d- He is Marco and this is ________ living room.

e- We are Betti and Barbara and this is ________favourite book.

f- She is Rachel and this is ________ sister.

g- These are my teachers. ________names are Paul and Rita.

h- This is my brother. ________name is Peter. He a student in Hungary.

i- We are friends. __________ hobbies are gardening and walking.

j- I’m Sophy and this is________ dog, Aladin.

Pronunciation Exercise Vowel Sounds

4- Look at the video, check the phonetic symbols and repeat the words.

El anterior video fue tomado de:

​´S possessive

5a- Look at the Simpsons family tree and talk about it using the ´s possessive.

Imagen tomada de:


- Bart is Patty´s nephew

5b- Answer the folllowing questions about the family tree using ´s possessive

0. Who is Maggie? __She is Homer´s daughter_____________

a. Who is Abraham? ________________________________________

b. Who is Marge? ___________________________________________

c. Who is Bart? _____________________________________________

d. Who is Ling? _____________________________________________

e. Who is Selma? ___________________________________________

f. Who is Mona? ____________________________________________

g. Who is Lisa? _____________________________________________

h. Who is Patty? ____________________________________________

i. Who is Homer? ___________________________________________

j. Who is Herb? _____________________________________________

6- Prepare to talk about your family to your partner, first draw your family tree, then, talk about it using the ´s possessive.


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